Soon, it will be time to get on the road again. It is much harder this year. The pin and stiffness from the accident makes doing a lot of the things I usually do more difficult. I still wear my helmet most of the time, even though it hurts because I would rather live. After the save of the seatbelt, I've developed a greater respect for safety equiptment. If my daughter hadn't decided to move to Vegas and asked me to put the bike in the U-Haul, I would still be in Bellingham, being treated by the chiropractor and massage therapist every other day. I think I need it, but it is much harder to get that level of care while on the road. I thought I had to come down here because I kept running out of money. Usually, it is easy to make money while in the road, but I didn't consider just how much my health impacted my ability to perform.
I was able to work a flea market yesterday and made a little money, (Thank you, Universe) but not like I was able to last year. It's okay, I am close friends with Change, and the Unniverse always supplies. Occasionally, I forget that for a few minutes, but my memory returns in just a few.
I love my life. I reaally do. Even though money has been tight frequently throughout most of my life thus far, I feel very wealthy. We all have life eevents that we consider to be problems and lack of funding seems to be one of mine. However, I have a number of friends who also have money problems...because they have too much stuff and are having to work all the time to support their stuff. I've found that, even when I had a lot of comfortable things, I wasn't all the comfortablee because I had to bow to the obligation of working harder and longer than I wanted to because having a bunch of stuff means I have to pay out a lot of money to support it all.
Years ago, I was studied to become a Realtor in San Francisco. I saw many multimillion dollar homes, many that cost more than a million a year just in upkeep. I like having quality things, it's enjoyable, but the tradeoff of not having those things is that I don't have to worry about supporting them, and I don't need to worry about losing them. This extra time allows me to play with the kids. What joy! It also gives me time to meditate and release many of the issues of the heart/mind that would rob me of peace.
Okay, that's enough for now. I'm typing on my tablet and that doesn't lend itself to long posts.
Om Shanti
I enjoy following your adventures and musings Kai. Have you thought of setteling down in one place or area/region? Is the PNW less/more hospitable than other areas like the Southwest? Also, I don't see a PayPal on the site to send balloon money your way.
Hello, Remonster,
ReplyDeleteI've thought of it from time to time, but for some odd reason, I can't seem to get to the point where it seems like doing so is "mine to do." So I keep moving around, always open to the "Voice of the Universe" so that I may hear what is mine to do. Sometimes, I get tired of this life as I'm living it. I know that I could get a job, get insurance and actually get the medications I need but can't get, or could earn the money to pay for a bridge that, at any moment is going to let go because I don't have the $3k it'd take to fix it, but it never seems that it is mine to do. If you read my latest post, you can get a sense why I think doing what I'm now doing is more important than staying in one place, working for my own benefit, even though I know that might get a job doing something to help others. But, until the Universe tells me in a way that I can hear that my traveling days are over, I'm just going to continue to be a joyful gypsy.
As for sending financial gifts, I haven't figured out how to add a PayPal button to my blog so, if you wish, you can send gifts to my email address, twistofair at yahoo dot com. If that doesn't work for you, you can also contact me at the above email address and I can find a mailing address that can be used.
Thank you for your considerations and generosity, my friend. Blessings to you. :-)