Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Primarily, health update.

Hello all,
It is odd, but I could've sworn that I had posted 2 new posts since Havasu. I'll have to look into that. Well, to update again: I am now back in Bellingham, WA. I have a Hernia which needs tending to and I have a support system here that doesn't need that much support themselves. I thought about going to my mother's in Bandon, OR for the surgery, but my mom needs help herself so my being there needing looking after would only be a burden to her, though she would welcome me with open arms. Here in B'ham, I will have my old RV to stay in, which I truly enjoy, as well as several friends who think of me highly enough to make sure I am comfortable during my downtime. Hopefully, I will be able to get some writing in while I'm down.
As those who have been following my blog know, I had an accident in Nov, '13. It seems that that event opened the door to several more stressors being added to my body system. I have a pinched nerve in my lower back, for example, that now seems to occasionally effect how I use my legs. They become weak and tired easily...not good for a dance teacher! I often use two walking sticks to make sure I'm able to maintain balance. I've also been having horrendous headaches lately, unlike any I've can remember having had before. They are interesting, that's for sure. Due to ignorance in the health field, I have no way of knowing if the headaches are related to the pinched nerve.
Insurance! WOW! Never had it before and it is pretty darn cool! I'd been without blood pressure meds for over a month because doctor's require an office visit to prescribe the substance. Seems odd to me that it would be a controlled substance since it can't get one high and is require it to help not have strokes. Oh, well...In any case, not only did I get a new prescription, but I also was able to get a refill of pain meds and muscle relaxers...for free! Thanks Obamacare! I've also found out that I have high cholesterol and high blood sugar. All the rest of the blood-work came back okay. Which is great, but leaves a question about why my body is doing what it is doing these days. (Regardless of the fate of the insurance, I have safely acquired at least a year's worth of blood pressure meds! When first measured by the nurse, my bp was 178/106. When I went in yesterday, after a week of having the meds, it was 138/87.)
I will have to wait awhile for many of the medical things I need done to come about, but at least it is in the works and I MIGHT be about to get treated longer for the effects of the accident. I can't sit and look down at my computer screen for very long without developing a severe pain in the neck and upper back...directly traceable to the accident. Additionally, my lower back hurts easily, also directly traceable to the accident. My right shoulder joint is also hurting a bit, which came from the accident as well. I had thought that I would have to stop treatment because I have no more money available to treat; the other guy's insurance requires that I pay for treatment and then they would review the expenditure and decide if they would reimburse me.
Please note: my description of my ills has nothing to do with complaining. The inner experience of all this is, "It just is what it is." Sometimes life is pleasant, other times it isn't. Usually it is a mix of pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral. I am happy and content, with only a little stress regarding not being able to work for a while due to the hernia, and once I get that fixed, the healing time. Perhaps I'll look into online schooling...


  1. Good Luck (=Good Karma) with your health, man. Someone is thinking of you in Bali, Indonesia (pretty soon to return to Burma). May all good things come to you at the right time.

  2. I'm glad to hear that you are looking on the brighter side of things, Kai. The accident you encountered was truly unpleasant, but I'm sure you're mentally strong enough to accept the reality and learn from it. I just hope that you're faring better these days. Thanks for sharing that! Take care always! :)

    Modesto Culbertson @ D&Z Law Group

  3. I’m sorry to hear about the accident. But it’s nice to know that you’ve managed to go through it just fine. Anyway, it’s great that you had insurance to support you in that time of need. It certainly makes things easier, as meds and treatments could get quite expensive. Thanks for sharing this with us, Kai! Take care!

    Hubert Singleton @ RDF Attorney

  4. I'm unable to add to this blog. Looks like I'll be creating a different one.
