Hello everyone. I apologize for the silence. I'll lay it on the line for you. No secrets means an open life.
I owe $3,678.65 in back child support for my son, who is now in his mid-20's. He and his mother live in Ohio. His mother has proven herself to be...unpredictable...in her interactions with me. Although I am not wanted by the legal system in any state, I cannot pay the monthly court-ordered arrears as ordered (though I do pay what I can) and so she would've likely had been able to cause a bit of trouble had she known of my Ohio visit at the time. Now, her possible reactions are much less likely to cause issue.
I left the reader with the knowledge that I was headed to Ohio and that I had hoped to reconnect with my tiny friend, Sharon. Well, we did reconnect. She is, once again, my very close friend. :-) I met her at a dance and the connection was as though the time in between was but a minute. I'll not get much into the details of our friendship but will say that we are both enjoying the reconnect.
As it may be known, I changed the back tire of my bike while in Virginia. It has been very pleasant to ride on a new tire. Well, after riding here, I discovered that I needed a new front tire, too. Seems something sharp had made a cut in the rubber so it was just a matter of time before it blew. My friend, Wendy Shupe, near San Francisco, donated $200 via PayPal toward the purchase of a new front tire (Thank you!) and when the money arrived in my account, it had shrunk to $193.90. The purchase of the tire and it's installation came to $193.47. The Universe does provide!!
Speaking of providing, I was in need of about $200 to help a friend with rent (after she was left in a bind)...today, a stranger gave me a tip for three balloons of $250. It is the largest single cash tip I have ever received for my balloons in 36 years of twisting. Her rent was made and my tank was filled. :-) What joy! It is not so uncommon that I get a $100 tip; that happens about 2-3 times a year. Twenties are much more common, but $250 from one person? That is rare indeed! Such kindness. I have been given more from friends who support my teachings and lifestyle, but from a stranger for a balloon? Awesome!
The other evening, Sharon and I rode the bike down to Fountain Square in downtown Cincinnati. after the evening was over (I was trying to make money while we danced to a live band on the square) we headed back to the bike where I found that there was a short in the electrical system. Sharon was cold and it was late and she was tired and I couldn't get the bike fixed. I forgot that it doesn't matter in the long run. I forgot that the Universe does what it does for Its own reasons and I got very angry at my thoughts regarding the circumstances. It was quite a sight to see, I'm sure. (Sharon is keeping mum.) I had forgotten that I could cuss like that. In any case, at one point I while trying to fix the bike, I had my hand in a precarious position and when I got shocked, I yanked my hand back and got a cut on my wrist that likely could've benefited from a couple stitches. I'm not concerned about a scar on my hand so I just found a bandaid and continued to work. I discovered that the bike didn't short out at high RPMs so I decided to chance riding it back to Sharon's. After a long cold ride, we made it to her place. I have since bought some tools I needed to work on the bike and I THINK I have fixed the problem. Let's hope so as I don't want to do major damage to the electrical system.
My wrist in healing okay, though it looks like crap and makes wearing the bike gloves painful.
I will strive to add to the updates quickly, but it is late now and I am very tired. Good night, all.
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