Tuesday, February 4, 2014


A friend of mine recently suggested that my asking for sponsorship of this lifestyle was arrogant and self-serving. So, I think I would give a little more of my reasoning, and I would do it here so that other's might know of my thinking on the matter. Last weekend, I was approached by a fellow who was putting together a festival for special needs people. He asked, as do many people who are interested in having my skills at charity events, if I would be willing to donate my time and skills. I had to decline, because I just don't have the resources to give away so many balloons at one time. It costs a lot of money to stay supplied. Additionally, because I have some bills I have to pay and have a few things that do require money--I've been using whatever kind of blood pressure medication I can scrounge because I don't have the $100 or more to see a doctor to get a prescription to name but one--I usually make "bulk" money on the weekends, because that is when everyone else is off work and out playing.

So, this gentleman said, "Perhaps I can find someone to sponsor you for the festival." In other words, find someone willing to pay for the balloons and perhaps give me something extra for the effort toward living expenses. Usually what happens in such cases (it has happened often in the past) is that a company will sponsor me so that they can get some cheap advertisement out of the deal. Which is okay as far as it goes, but to me, doing it that way tinges the giving with commercialism. Not quite the same energy as a bunch of people giving just because it is in their hearts to do so.

Because of a couple of friends who stepped up to sponsor this last balloon buy (which I upped significantly because of the generosity of these friends) I will be able to volunteer for a couple charity events without me having to be the recipient of the charity I'll be entertaining for.

So there ya go, just a little more information about this crazy life experience I'm having this time round. Om Shanti

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