Monday, February 3, 2014

WHAT JOY!!! Examples of my day...

Hello, my friends.
Recently, you may have read about my attempt to find sponsors for my odd lifestyle and the joy that I seek to spread through my balloons and teachings. Well, a little update is in order, I believe. Although the whole of my lifestyle has not yet received anywhere near the numbers that would allow me to totally give away all of my balloons and stay alive at a meager level of existence, I have received a couple gifts that results in the funding of this month's balloon order(s)!!
I don't often write in here the things I do regarding bringing smiles to others because I don't like the idea of bragging, or seeming to be doing so. However, since I would like to include my sponsors and readers in the joy that I feel, doing what I do, I will endeavor to give examples from time to time. Please note, each thing I write is multiplied many times throughout almost every day.
Just now, a young man came into the store I'm at with two children, a 7 year old boy and an 11 year old girl. The son looked a little down and sat down away from Dad while he was ordering a drink for the daughter. I took my squeaker from my pocket and, palming it so that they couldn't see it, went up and asked the family group (the son had rejoined the other two) if they would like to see something cool. I guess it is seeing my grey beard that results in almost everyone I ask that of saying yes.
After getting their attention, I reached out and made it appear that a napkin holder had a squeak in it. The kids were amazed and tried to make it squeak, in vain. So I told them that it was a "move-able_ squeak and moved it to a different location. They, again, attempted to make the same point squeak. Nope. Then I took the squeak and put it on the son's shoulder. Looking incredulous, they attempted to make his shoulder squeak. Then I moved the squeak to Dad's arm and left it there. Five minutes later, they were still poking Dad's arm to try to make it squeak. Then, while Dad went to check on his car (which, I was told, had broken down and was needing towed), the children sat near me and I made the boy a motorcycle balloon and the girl a kitty. The boy told me that he loves motorcycles and has many magazines about them.
When they left, they all thanked me and were smiling and happy. Like I say, this same scene is reenacted many times a day. Sometimes it is an old woman, sometimes a waitress or waiter (they like getting them for their loved ones), sometimes an office worker or cashier. It doesn't matter to me who is the recipient of my entertainment, as long as I can leave them a little happier than I found them. Often, the points I try to make about: how awesome each person is, how to stay out of gangs, why it is better to treat each person with respect, how it takes everyone and everything in the universe to get one child a balloon (these and many more like it) lead to impromptu counseling sessions. Many of these run very deep and end with hugs.
This is my life almost every day. Once in a while I take a day off and just stay "home" in my camper, or ride somewhere just to see it, but let there be a child or someone unhappy... :-) Almost everyone who has ever gone out to eat with me has had to sit through my twisting a balloon for a waitress and or getting up to sing "Happy Birthday" to a child or an old person...or pretty much anyone.
I'll post more examples in the coming days. May you be as blessed as I am. :-)

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