Friday, July 26, 2013

Bellingham, computer, and car.

I have another post in the process of being written that covers events up till I arrived in bellingham but I want to write about events in Bellingham before they get so distant that I forget it all. First thing of note is that my very good friend, Keith, has offered me a car. It is quite doubtful that I will keep it because of having the bike and not wishing to support both right now; besides, I can only drive one at a time. Cars are very cost prohibitive. Of course, motorcycles aren't the cheapest things either. (The price was right in getting this one...and in getting it repaired.) I am so grateful for the generousity of the Universe and my friends. Which leads me to my next bit of news....

My computer has completely died. When attempting to use the self-diagnostic tool, it tells me in red letter, "Replace hard drive." No portion of the computer works beyond the start up screen before windows kicks in. Not even the appearance mouse pointer. So, I'm asking the Universe to provide me with a small Apple laptop to use. It has to be small so that it doesn't take up much room on the bike. I lost quite a bit of information with the death of the hard drive, and some of that info was contact information. So, if you don't hear from me, it may be due to the fact that I've lost your contact information. The death of the hard drive took with it the lastest work on my book. The backups I have are very old now. As a friend pointed out, this may be a good time for a rewrite... That's perfectly fine with me, but doing it on this tablet is NOT going to work, I don't think. So, if anyone has an intense feeling of compassion and generousity (and the resources to back it up) let me know and I'll be happy to provide you with an address. Additionally, I'll overjoyed to share with you one of the first copies of any book I happen to write while using your gift.

I have often said that doing balloons could be a 6 figure income if worked as a business. I've never been much of  businessman, but I'm getting to watch the process in action here in the Bellingham area.  I'm not going to write down here the method by which it's being done, but I'm feeling the effects of the process. I now have lots more compassion for small business owners when a Wal-Mart moves into the neighborhood. I've basically found myself pushed out of twisting at every fair, festival and farmer's market in the area. The result being that income is hard to come by, in the traditional ways I've done it in the past, at least.

I've gotten to visit my daughter a few days so far and visit with a few friends. The bike is running...ok. I killed the battery twice yesterday.  I'm wondering how many times I can jumpstart a new battery from a car before it causes significant damage to either the battery or the bike. The bike isn't pulling smoothly in the lower gears. I'm wondering if it might be the start of the fuel pump needing some TLC.


  1. Well Kai,

    If you're in Bellingham nowadays it would be very good to see you. I've tried to email you, but some kind of mysterious technical karma prevents the email from reaching you, apparently. I'll be leaving town for California on the 17th. Contact me before then, if you please, and we can maybe connect.

    Metta, Pannobhasa

  2. So Kai you got a job yet?

    Just curious.

    1. Very interesting question: one that is open to lots of interpretations. At the time you posted your question, I was moving around gravel and dirt at a Buddhist monastery. So, yes, I was doing valuable work that folks often get paid for. But I sense that "Do you work?" wasn't the intent of the question.

      If by "job", you mean the traditional standard of doing something on a somewhat regular basis for which I receive a certain amount of recompense within a certain timeframe, I have to answer "No." It has been quite a few years since I had a paycheck job. I have chosen a lifestyle that leaves me free to do things of value that I choose. Life is too short to have to work to support stuff. My only bills are my phone bill, child support arrearage (that was set during the 90 days I got paid 3x more than I had ever been paid before), ood and gas for the bike. Occasionally, expenses pop up like purchases of balloons, motorcycle maintance, and medical stuff, but I deal with that as it comes.

      If the intent behind your curiousity is to find out if I am a valuable member of society in a traditional sense, I am. I do lots of volunteer labor. I have spent many hours over the years, picking up trash in public areas; bags and bags of the stuff. I am a counselor to many who could not otherwise afford one. Mch of what I do doesn't pay me because I gift it away...sometimes, people gift me things I need or want because they see the value I provide with their own eyes.

      Personally, though, it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks of how I choose to spend my few remaining days on this earth, in this form. Life, in this deteriating body is just too darn short to concern myself with other people's opinions; I'll be dead soon and very soon after, even my name will have been forgotten. Within 100 years of my physical death, everyone who could have possibly known me will also be dead so, the most skillful use of my remaining time is to give it away in the most compassionate way I can manage with my meager skills, knowledge and resources.

      Hopefully, I have touched on answering your question. Feel free to ask more if you wish
      Om Shanti.
