Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Montana 'biking.

I get my days and posts mixed up sometimes. I suspect I ought to read what I've written before. Ah, well. Yesterday was a tough ride. The sun was so strong that I got a burn through my clothes. Didn't know that was possible. It was so hot that it made the heat melt. At least, that's what it felt like to me. I made it into Montana, a very interesting state! Lots of unusual landscapes and rock formations. Very beautiful...and any place humans reside in numbers is many, many miles apart. But it isn't empty space, plenty of bugs to coat the front of the bike while riding or every square inch of skin when coming to a stop. I feel for the bugs. It must be a hard life with so many competitors for food. Must be what it's like to live in China or India.

The bike ran well, very strong. I even got it up to (don't read this, Mom!) 105 mph for a second. I wanted to see if it could break 100. I might've been able to get a couple more MPHs out of it, but I learned what I needed to and I want to continue to exist in physical form for a while. It apparently sucked a lot of gas because that tank only gave me 29mpg. The next tank, I kept it between 70-75 and was able to coax 39 mpg out of it.I stopped for the night in Miles City, Montana. A waitress suggested that I go to this particular boat dock to camp. It was right on the Yellowstone River. Beautiful...as I discovered this morning. I didn't sleep long and was up before the sun was in the sky.

I rode on to Billings and stopped for breakfast at a Perkins. As I got off the bike, I realized that I was running quite low on funds so I said, "Ok, Universe. We're getting low on funds. Let's make this a money-making restaurant, ok?" And then I went in. The balloons were well received. One couple, celebrating their 4th year anniversary, tipped me $40. I had a line of kids and adults coming to the table to get balloons. The manager bought my breakfast. And a guy gifted me $10 while I was standing by the bike..., "...because I'm jealous." (Of the fact of my riding the bike as much as I am--he's traveling on business so couldn't bring one of his two bikes.)

I have to say, I SO love the faces of the people who get the balloons. And when I can say something that obviously makes a difference to someone, it is the most fulfilling experience I can have as a "me." So, tonight, I'm thinking I will head out to the next bigger town, Bozeman. Not sure if I'll be camping (if so, it'll be where there's a shower!) or staying in a hotel. The hotels are pretty pricy along through here.

Much more to write, but getting tired and I don't think Billings is where I due to sleep tonight. I'm being pulled to continue the ride. Om shanti, my friends.

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