Saturday, April 6, 2013

I'm a CEO!

And so are you! So what it that was are CEOs of? The minutes of our lives. Assuming 80 years of life, we are given 42,048,000 minutes to sell or use however we wish. Figuring 8hours sleep per night (sometimes more, sometimes less) that cuts down on our available useful minutes to sell or use by 14,016,000 minutes leaving us with 28,032,000 left. Now, these numbers apply to every living being on the planet who lives 80 years and sleeps 8 hours a night, averaged.

Some people sell their product (minutes) dearly, yet squander those they saved for personal use on anger, depression, boredom, or some other such emotion. But it really doesn't matter how they use them, they have no more minutes than anyone else. Death levels the playing field, always. Because you are the CEO of your own life, you can choose to loan someone else the power of how you spend your minutes, or you can choose to spend them how you wish to.

In the dance business, young teacher-trainees are often in awe of those with lots of experience on the floor. Or are in thrall of a confident boss to the point of allowing that boss to choose where they get their dance training from. (This topic was inspired by a certain interaction, but is appropriate to many others.)  The fact is, though, that the boss, while being kind or whatnot, is likely more concerned with how the new teacher's dancing will effect the boss' bottom line rather than the longterm joy of the new trainee. I know well how how the trainee feels, having been there myself.I also know from experience that the same is true in pretty much any profession. However, freedom comes when one realizes that one must be the master of one's own company and choose never to work FOR someone else, but rather work WITH. This change in perception leads to a more mutually respectful and fulfilling life experience.

I might choose to sell my minutes to another for $0.166 a minute (roughly $10 per hour) or I may choose to give it away helping an injured person to  hospital; in either case, that minute is gone, never to be seen again. Your boss has to decide for his or her self how they may choose to spend their minutes.

How to use this information? One way is to decide if the actions of anothe are worth the expenditure of your precious minutes in anger or hatred. They are your inutes, what will you choose to sell your peace and happiness for? Additionally, look at the motivations of those you have sold some of your time to (employers) and ask yourself, "Do they REALLY haave my long-term best interestsat heart? Or would I be better served assuming responsibility for my own long-term joy and well-being?" The choice, my friends, is completely up to you.

May these words be of benefit.

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