Thursday, April 4, 2013

On the road again... Well, almost. (Forgot to upload this one.)

The bike has been repaired and the tooth that fell out has been recemented. It is almost time to head out. Leaving Lake Havasu City will be a little tough, I think. The folks here have been very kind and friendly: Johnno and Sarah, Lynn and the folks at the Black Bear Diner, Dave Tuttle giving me a great place to stay, Julie for all the dancing and friendship--and can't forget the kayaking resulting in a fun day and a really bad sunburn--and Tony for helping me fix the bike and then taking me flying in his airplane (too cool!). Tammy for her dancing and comradary, the dentist who recemented my tooth and didn't charge me for it, Myrna who hosted the mindfulness dinner I facilitated and, of course, Danny for buying my Yamaha and being patient for a long time for the title to come. This town lives up to its title as the "friendliest town in the USA."

On Monday, Julie invited me to go kayaking. We paddled under the London Bridge. I met her at the dance under the Bridge after participating in the line dancing on the Bridge. It was very enjoyable, despite my blisters and sunburn. On Tuesday, Tony invited me to go for a short ride in his little airplane. I have to say, I do love to fly! We flew over the Bridge. It wasn't until I was telling my mom about all this that it occurred to me that I have danced on and under the London Bridge as well as gone under it in two kinds of boats and have flown over it. Not that any of that means anything other than the story I can now tell of doing it.

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