Wednesday, April 3, 2013


It has been interesting, this trip through the Southwest. In Havasu, I was welcomed with subdued excitement. In Yuma, I was welcomed with open arms and begged to return next snowbird season. Before I arrived in Tucson, I was welcomed and invited by several people from However, after settling on one particular host, it appears (at the moment) as though Tucson doesn't actually wish for me to to stay. I may be wrong and I'll give it a couple more days to turn around, but it is definitely giving me vibes of "move on" once my present hosting space is completed.

I use words like "completed" and "move on vibes" because I usually get some sense or intuition whether the Universe wishes for me to remain in a certain place. I was obviously guided to stay with my present host as she was once the personal assistant of two of the spiritual teachers who have made an impact on my inner journey. I have heard many stories and have gotten a bit of information that will stand me in good stead at some point in the near future. However, my other hosting opportunities seem to have completely dried up. Additionally, I decided to venture out into the local dance community to be soundly rebuffed by the owner of a local studio. After being dismissed from the presence of the Studio, I went to a Starbucks and a Coco's Restaurant. Both places are usually very welcoming and friendly, but in tonight, Nope. My reception was lukewarm at best. I'm not in any way upset at this reaction--it happens from time to time--but it does lead itself to the feeling of, "Perhaps this isn't the town for me to hang out in."

In the past, I have had the energy of a location "flip" on me and suddenly become very welcoming indeed. Perhaps this will happen here...we'll see. In the meantime, I'm going to remain open to all incoming guidance. No idea where I'm to go now or when. I have the sense that I'm to continue to head East, but what to do and where to stay on the way is presently blank. I always find this state of listening for Universal Voice to be intriguing. There is a feeling within of pausing, almost like the Universe is consulting a paper or schedule to make sure of It's direction. I guess one might say it is the trough at the bottom of the wave.

Well, they are turning off the lights in this restaurant so I guess that is my indicator that I'm to head back to my "home" for the next couple days.  

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from Bali! I'm curious how you could be soundly rebuffed by the owner of a dance studio. I congratulate you on the Universe's desire to feed you--whether it particularly likes feeding me I can't say, but I haven't starved yet. The blessings of a tropical monk upon your great journey.
