Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Universe works in awesome ways!

Proverbs 3:5-6

New International Version (NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.[a]
The Universe is showing It's intelligence today. I stopped in The Original Pancake House in Pleasant Hill, Ca, for breakfast. The lot was full so I parked my bike in an unusual way and left my business card (my spiritual card, the only one I had on me) very visibly stuck in my helmet, just in case a cop took exception. I was about half finished with my meal when a distinguished-looking gentleman came in and asked if that was my bike and asked whether I was local now. After I replied no, he left, only to return a few moments later accompanied by his wife.

They (Dale and Sally) asked if they could join me just as I began to invite them to sit. He is a Native American Wisdom teacher and hypnotherapist. We spoke for about 20 minutes and I invited them to the Mindful Eating class/workshop I'm teaching on Friday and he invited me to a sweat lodge that they are going to this weekend. It was just a couple days ago that I was saying to someone that I would like to meet a Native American shaman and do a sweat or vision quest. Then they picked up my check and donated generously for a balloon I made for Sally. I love the way the Universe works, especially when It works in pleasant ways. ;-)

Everyone who left the restaurant while I was there said something to me. It has been happening a lot over the past few years, but it still surprises me when it happens in such an obvious way.

There is a story about how an angel of God appeared to a king of certain country and announced that God would appear to him in whatever way the king wished. The king, being a vain fellow, said, "Then let him appear before me in all His Glory, as befits a king of my stature and importance." The angel said, "As you wish."

A huge bolt of lightening came from the sky and blinded the king and all who lived in the castle.

The angel then appeared to a simple farmer living in poverty and said that God would appear to him in the way the man wished. The man, who did not know of the king, said, "I am a simple man. God's glory would be overwhelming to me. Please, let God appear to me in the face of everyone I meet, in the land that I work, and in the everyday events of my life." The angel said, "As you wish."

The farmer lived a long a joyous, loving life, seeing God in all things.

I remember watching a movie about H.H. the Dalai Lama. In the movie, there was a confidant/teacher of his who would often say, "I am but a bug, your Holiness."  What a beautiful, freeing thing to be! Without the bug, there would be no food or transformation of dead things, but since no one expects anything of the bug, it is totally free to be itself. There is no striving to be more than what it is and so all things come to it sooner or later. The bird eats the bug and then the bugs eat the bird.

Off to see what else the Universe has to present that is mine to do.

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